Top 10 Reasons Why Roblox is Better Than Minecraft

1More games

2It's free

3You can have Minecraft in Roblox

4People are nice

5You can be a guest

6Fewer annoying players

7More detail

8You don't need to do a lot of work building your game on Roblox

9You can buy items with in game money

10Has funnier YouTubers and friends

11Better death sound

12More players

13Roblox came out before Minecraft

14Better things to do

15Free app

16Better updates

17It'™s cooler

18Roblox doesn't make you craft things

19More game styles

20Better game music

21Roblox is more customized and has a friend system

22No soccer moms

23More realistic avatars

24Fewer squeakers

25Less popular

26Fewer killing games

27You can make real money

28Mining Simulator is in the game

29Not as childish

30More things you can do

31Games with gore

32No lag

33Fewer hackers

34More items

35Can teach you how to build