Top 10 Reasons Why Princess Daisy is Better Than Princess Peach

1Princess Daisy's voice is much less annoying

Princess Daisy

2Daisy is hotter

Daisy is hotter

3She does anything while Princess Peach does nothing

4She's much more fun


5Orange is better than pink

Orange is better than pink

6Daisy is the only girl with a different personality

7Her charisma

8She's stronger

9She is a good role model for girls

10Daisy x Luigi is an awesome couple

Daisy x Luigi is an awesome couple

11She has big thighs

12Daisy is not captured all the time

13Peach is stupid

14She slapped Bowser and he literally flew away

15Her hairstyle and hair color is overall better

16She would be a much better gal for Mario

17She has a much better color affinity

18She didn't leave Mario or Luigi on the moon

19Third Eye behind her hair

20Daisy is more positive

21She's independent

22Daisy doesn't keep toads up her dress

Daisy doesn

23Daisy hardly ever gets mad at people

24She is a tomboy

25Daisy fans are ignorant

26Daisy doesn't let herself get kidnapped

27A much better appearance

28She has a better personality

29She's better at sports

30She wasn't defeated by someone smaller than her (Bowser Jr.)

She wasn

31She's cuter

32She is stronger and faster than Peach

33She isn't as girly as Peach

34She seems to be smarter than Peach

35Daisy doesn't cry