Top 10 Reasons Why Metal is the Best Music Genre

1It takes talent to be in a metal band

It takes talent to be in a metal band

2Metal bands come out with new music more often than pop artists

Metal bands come out with new music more often than pop artists

3Metal isn't completely offensive

4Metal celebrities have interesting lives

Metal celebrities have interesting lives

5Metal is more fun, exciting, and complex

Metal is more fun, exciting, and complex

6Metal fans are more versatile

Metal fans are more versatile

7Metal lyrics have more variety

8Metal is original

9Metal has the best image.

Metal has the best image.

10Metal songs can be educational

Metal songs can be educational

11Metal can be slow and melodic, fast and dangerous, or both

12Metal music is creative

13Metal pumps you up

14You can't kill metal

15Metal is a music of passion

16Metal is good for relieving anger

17Metal fans don't just listen to a song, like it for a week, and move on

18Metal does not rely on society's approval

19Metal musicians and fans have the most integrity

20People can relate to metal

21Metal writes their own lyrics

22Metal musicians are smart

23Most dedicated fans

24Metal has the best riffs

25Metal has the best concerts

26Metal lyrics are more creative


28Metalheads are more mature than other music fans

29Metal lyrics are more intricate

30Metalheads are more loyal

31They have the best bands

32Metal music has a lot of genres that orbit metal like Metalcore, Deathcore, Death Metal, Heavy Metal and so on

33Most metal bands come out with more albums than other bands

34Metal challenges its audience and trusts their intelligence

35Metal fans are more intelligent