Top 10 Reasons Why Donald Trump is Awful

1He is racist

He is racist

2He made fun of a disabled person

He made fun of a disabled person

3His policies are stupid

4He is sexist

He is sexist

5He banned transgender individuals from serving in the military

He banned transgender individuals from serving in the military

6He believes climate change is a hoax

He believes climate change is a hoax

7He encouraged his supporters to raid the Capitol

He encouraged his supporters to raid the Capitol

8He appointed Ajit Pai as chairman of the FCC, which endangered the internet

9He broke his promise

10He is careless with his words

11He downplayed the Coronavirus

12He defended authoritarian rulers in Russia, North Korea, the Philippines, Egypt, and China

13He endorsed Roy Moore

He endorsed Roy Moore

14He is narcissistic

15He blocked Syrian refugees from entering the U.S

16He declared a national emergency to fund his wall

17He attacked Iran without justification

He attacked Iran without justification

18He ignores gun violence

He ignores gun violence

19Despite being in his 70s, he behaves like a 5-year-old

20He insults America's veterans

He insults America

21He exhibits Islamophobia

He exhibits Islamophobia

22He referred to Haiti and El Salvador as "sh*thole" countries

23He complained about sending money to Puerto Rico while thousands were dying in Hurricane Maria

24He's ugly


25He referred to white supremacists as "very fine people"

26He claimed that John McCain isn't a real war hero

He claimed that John McCain isn

27He made inappropriate comments about his daughter

He made inappropriate comments about his daughter

28He is politically incorrect

29He gave trillions of dollars in tax cuts to the rich

30He refused to accept losing to Joe Biden

He refused to accept losing to Joe Biden

31He exhibits fascist tendencies

He exhibits fascist tendencies

32He throws tantrums

He throws tantrums

33He is a bully

He is a bully

34He claimed to have more military training than actual military personnel

35He insults people