Top 10 Most Powerful Militaries of All Time

1Nazi Germany 1933-1945

2United States 1941-Present

3Mongol Empire 1206-1368

4Empire of Japan 1905-1941

5British Empire 1800-1939

6Ottoman Empire 1299-1808

7Roman Empire 27 BC-476 AD

Roman Empire 27 BC-476 AD

8Soviet Union 1941-1991

9Russian Empire 1721-1905

10First French Empire 1804-1814

11Spanish Empire 1492-1975

12Spartans 900 BC-192 BC

13Caliphates 632-1258

14Persian Empire 550 BC-651 AD

15Germany 1914-1918

16Kingdom of Macedonia 808-168 BC

17Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 1386-1795

18Swedish Empire 1611-1721

19Sikh Empire 1799-1849

20Prussia 1701-1918

21Dai Viet Army 1228-1300

22Viet Cong 1954-1976

23Israel 1948-1982

24Grande Armée 1804-1815

25Maurya Empire 322-187 BC

26Communist China 1930-Present

27Russia 1991-Present

28Australia 2014-Present

29Tang Dynasty 618-905

30Regio Esercito Italiano 1870-1946

31China Qin Dynasty 221 BC-206 BC

32Ethiopian Army 747'“721 BC (25th Dynasty)

33Frankish Empire 500-900 AD

34Germanic Barbarians 400-500 AD

35Austria-Hungary 1867-1918