Top 10 Most Hilariously Stupid Conspiracy Theories

1Most of The World Leaders Are Space Lizards

2The Moon Isn't Real

The Moon Isn

3Dinosaurs Helped In Building The Pyramids

4Coronavirus was made to implement the new world order and the vaccine will give you a tracking chip in your body and to promote a cashless society

5Trump Did 9/11 So He Can Hate On Muslims

Trump Did 9/11 So He Can Hate On Muslims

6Obama Can Control Weather

Obama Can Control Weather

7Flat Earth Society

Flat Earth Society

8Climate Change Doesn't Exist

9Monster Energy Drink Is Made By Satan

Monster Energy Drink Is Made By Satan

10The NSA Hides Cameras In Our Food

The NSA Hides Cameras In Our Food

11Coronavirus is a Hoax

Coronavirus is a Hoax

12Obama and the Pope Have Plotted to Give the Falkland Islands Back to Argentina

Obama and the Pope Have Plotted to Give the Falkland Islands Back to Argentina

13Obama and Osama are the Same person

14If You Don't Pray to Lord Gaben, You Will Never Get Half Life 3

15The Illuminati Will Melt Your Brain If You Leave Your Head Unprotected

16If You Don't Tip Your Fedora, Your Swag Will Be Gone

17Holocaust Did Not Happen

18Yoga is a Form of Satanic Worship

Yoga is a Form of Satanic Worship

19Iphone 6 Spreads Ebola

Iphone 6 Spreads Ebola

20Doritos Are In the Shape of a Triangle Because It's MLG and Illuminati is Featured In MLG Montages So Doritos=Illuminati Confirmed

219-11 Was Orchestrated by the US Government

22Hitler and Morgan Freeman are the same person

23Illuminati Exists

Illuminati Exists

24US Government Created AIDS/HIV

US Government Created AIDS/HIV

25Some People Are 10% More Banana Than Others

Some People Are 10% More Banana Than Others

26Alex Jones Works for the Federal Government to Make People Stupid

27Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer

28Hitler was a dolphin that was genetically engineered by the SS

Hitler was a dolphin that was genetically engineered by the SS

29Our Brains Are Made of Water

Our Brains Are Made of Water

30The Earth is Flat

31Hitler Is Still Alive

32Michelle Obama has a penis

33Denver Airport is a Portal to Hell

34WWE Isn't Fake

35People do not need water; they suffer from water addiction