Top 10 Greatest Black Metal Albums

1De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas - Mayhem

De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas - Mayhem

2In the Nightside Eclipse - Emperor

In the Nightside Eclipse - Emperor

3Under the Sign of the Black Mark - Bathory

Under the Sign of the Black Mark - Bathory

4Hvis Lyset Tar Oss - Burzum

Hvis Lyset Tar Oss - Burzum

5Storm of the Light's Bane - Dissection

Storm of the Light

6Filosofem - Burzum

Filosofem - Burzum

7At the Heart of Winter - Immortal

At the Heart of Winter - Immortal

8Transilvanian Hunger - Darkthrone

Transilvanian Hunger - Darkthrone

9Panzerfaust - Darkthrone

Panzerfaust - Darkthrone

10Bergtatt: Et eeventyr i 5 capitler - Ulver

Bergtatt: Et eeventyr i 5 capitler - Ulver

11A Blaze in the Northern Sky - Darkthrone

A Blaze in the Northern Sky -  Darkthrone

12Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk - Emperor

Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk - Emperor

13Nemesis Divina - Satyricon

Nemesis Divina - Satyricon

14Blood Fire Death - Bathory

Blood Fire Death - Bathory

15Dark Medieval Times - Satyricon

Dark Medieval Times - Satyricon

16Bathory - Bathory

Bathory - Bathory

17Sons of Northern Darkness - Immortal

Sons of Northern Darkness - Immortal

18Panzer Division Marduk - Marduk

Panzer Division Marduk - Marduk

19The Mantle - Agalloch

The Mantle - Agalloch

20Deathcrush - Mayhem

Deathcrush - Mayhem

21Exercises in Futility - Mg�?a

Exercises in Futility - Mg�?a

22Pentagram - Gorgoroth

Pentagram - Gorgoroth

23Far Away from the Sun - Sacramentum

Far Away from the Sun - Sacramentum

24...Doedskvad - Taake

...Doedskvad - Taake

25Unchain the Wolves - Destroyer 666

Unchain the Wolves - Destroyer 666

26Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism - Immortal

Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism - Immortal

27Autumn Aurora - Drudkh

Autumn Aurora - Drudkh

28Fas '? Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum - Deathspell Omega


29Pure Holocaust - Immortal

Pure Holocaust - Immortal

30Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam - Gorgoroth

Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam - Gorgoroth

31Lawless Darkness - Watain

Lawless Darkness - Watain

32Hammerheart - Bathory

Hammerheart - Bathory

33Om - Negura Bunget

Om - Negura Bunget

34Under a Funeral Moon - Darkthrone

Under a Funeral Moon - Darkthrone

35Enthrone Darkness Triumphant - Dimmu Borgir

Enthrone Darkness Triumphant - Dimmu Borgir