Top 10 Greatest Battlefield Tactics of All Time

1Surprise Attack, Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, 9 AD

Surprise Attack, Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, 9 AD

2Envelopment, Battle of Stalingrad (Operation Uranus), 1942

Envelopment, Battle of Stalingrad (Operation Uranus), 1942

3Committing the Reserve, Battle of Austerlitz, 1805

4Shock Action, Battle of Arsuf, 1191

5Off-Balancing and Pinning, Battle of Trafalgar, 1805

6Deception, Sinking of the Lusitania, Atlantic Ocean, 1915

7Guerrilla Warfare, Franco-Prussian War, Prussia, 1870

8Intelligence, Battle of Cape Matapan, 1941

9Flooding the Land, Siege of Antwerp, The Netherlands, 1584

10Concentration, Jagdgeschwader Formation, World War I, 1917

11Blitzkrieg Tactic, Third Reich (Nazi Germany), 1939-1943

12Crescent Moon Encirclement, Battle of Cannae, Carthaginians, 216 BC

13Hammer and Anvil, Battle of Granicus, 334 BC

14Swiss Campaign of Suvorov, French Revolutionary Wars, 1799

15Island-Hopping, Pacific War, United States, 1942

16Double Envelopment, Battle of Cannae (Second Punic War), 216 BC

Double Envelopment, Battle of Cannae (Second Punic War), 216 BC