Top 10 Funniest Things to Do in a Classroom

1When the teacher presents to you a question on the whiteboard with an X in it, throw a sharp pen or pencil at the X and hope it spears the middle. If it does say "X marks the spot."

2Run over and scream at the teacher that he/she killed Larry, and then get a plush toy out of your bag and pretend to grieve over it.

3Pretend to be a robot as you silently watch the teacher, answering in mechanical tones and terminology if the teacher picks you to answer.

4Flop around on the table acting drunk, then when the teacher comes over then insist you are low on battery.

5Begin whacking your ruler at the air, and insist you are fighting against evil beings.

6Whenever the teacher asks you to hand something out, drop it all over the floor and insist that you were checking to see if gravity still works.

7When the teacher picks on you to answer a question, replace a completely random word with something similar completely different to it and then scream "Damn you autocorrect!" while writhing in the ground in agony.

8In a computer class (it is called different things around the world) randomly walk over to other students' computers and rotate the screens with Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Key. (differs) If the teacher complains turn off their computer using a shortcut.

9Set a bell as your ringtone, and time it to ring 5 minutes before the end of your final lesson.

10Fill a bucket of balls and tip them down the stairs and yell ''MY BALLS!''

11When someone knocks on the door scream "Hideeee"

12Jump on the table and do the macarena while singing Tomboys' It's Ok to Be Gay

13If someone tells you to keep your voice down, get on the floor and say, "Okay!"

14When someone mentions Germany, yell "THE NAZIS ARE COMING!" at the top of your lungs

15Complain about how hard life is when you're a vegetarian while chewing on a piece of beef jerky

16Stumble into walls while muttering "I swear to drunk, I'm not God."

17When the class is silent, proceed to clap your hands together and make seal noises.

18Every time the intercom comes on, yell "THE PIGS FOUND ME!!!!!" or something like that.

19Walk into the wall, pretending it is the door, and wonder why you are not going anywhere.

20Raise your hand and say you need to use the bathroom and when you are asked if going sit sadly and say "i already did"

21Get everyone to wear hoodies to school and then put the hoods up in class and just stare at the teacher

22To every question anybody asks, say something with donald trump in it. For example, your friend says,'what time is it?' you: whatever time donald trump says it is!

23Everytime the teacher asks you a question, proceed to make the sound of a horse.

24Tell your teacher you are too lazy to be in class and fall to the floor. Don't get up!

25If you are next to an empty desk, ask it if you can borrow a pencil

26If the teacher has left the room, when he/she comes back, get the whole class to stand up and sing 'We Don't Need No Education'

27Walk into a random classroom and start doing some Egyptian like dance.

28Raise your hand and when the teacher calls on you, say you were pointing to the ceiling.

29Bring a laser pointer to school and point it at the teachers face. The whole class will start laughing.

30Bring a sweater to class, get on a table, then squat and wave your arms up and down screaming ¨flappy bird¨ and proceed to run around the class jumping on and off chairs. If the teacher tries to stop you, begin to squawk.

31When the teacher asks a question and the class goes silent shout 'hey guys let's call pizza hut and ask for dominos number."

32Get the whole class to protest against chairs, and sit on the floor. If the teacher stops everyone, protest against tables, etc.

33Take your teacher's desk apart

34Ask the teacher if you can play Minecraft every 5 minutes

35Shout "I keep hearing these voices" when someone says something on the P.A.