Top 10 Funniest Conspiracy Theories that Don't Exist

1Your parents are grains of sand disguised as humans that worship magic coffee tables

Your parents are grains of sand disguised as humans that worship magic coffee tables

2Walls are watching you, and are secretly part of the Illuminati

Walls are watching you, and are secretly part of the Illuminati

3Cats are planning the apocalypse by making it rain cheese

Cats are planning the apocalypse by making it rain cheese

4Everyone on TheTopTens are secretly part of an evil organisation and are plotting against you

5The dictionary was invented by aliens in order to make us understand their language

The dictionary was invented by aliens in order to make us understand their language

6Everyone is actually hollow and their skin is made of ketchup

7Your entire life was staged by McDonald's and you were born a second ago

8Water is actually the blood of a sacred sandwich in the sky

Water is actually the blood of a sacred sandwich in the sky

9Cobwebs are portals into another dimension and spiders are the gatekeepers

Cobwebs are portals into another dimension and spiders are the gatekeepers

10Justin Bieber is part of the Illuminati

11We'™re in a video game called The Game of Life

12Trump did 9/11

13Justin Bieber's "music" is the real Devil's music

14Switzerland is planning to take over the world by mind controlling people with its Swiss chocolate

Switzerland is planning to take over the world by mind controlling people with its Swiss chocolate

15Justin Bieber's music is played on the radio so that humanity can be emotionally monitored

16Dogs are actually carnivore-butterflies with bizarrely mutated bodies

17The moon is made of sugar and if you eat a handful of it, you will get a superpower

18Florida screws up so many things because it is shaped like a penis

19Caillou is bisexual

20Tiredness is when your head gets replaced by a giant baguette in another reality

21Lions have the power to change into Elmo's potty time books

22Pancakes are actually frozen acid blocks cut into circles and painted in light brown/orangish-brown

23Alligators are actually Martians who came to earth to teach us boxing

24Cats are genetically mutated humans who will one day turn back to humans and turn us to cats and we will be pets

25There is a land south of Antarctica that has dragons

26John Lennon and Britney Spears are secretly the same person

27TheTopTens doesn't exist

28Ketchup comes from ostriches

29Peanut butter comes from jellyfish

30Jay Z is a time traveling vampire

31Satanic messages hidden in rock songs when played backwards

32Area 51 does not contain aliens