Top 10 Funniest and Most Embarrassing Typos Ever Made

1In the first Bible printed in English: "Thou shalt commit adultery" (leaving out "not")

2On shopping receipt: "Penis Butter Snickers: $0.99"

3Sign: "Shoplifters shall be prostituted"

4In News Report: "Firefighters to deal with not just the fire with people in the middle of the road ejaculating"

5Children's Sports Day Report: "Congratulations to our homerun Hitler!"

6The University of Texas commencement listing for graduates of the "Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Pubic Affairs"

7On child's drawing: "Greetings, I am Buzz Lightyear. I c** in pies."

On child

8In Newspaper: "PM in bed with co-ed" (cold)

9Road Sign: "Stop! Heavy erection is going on!"

10In children's soft play area: "15:00-18:00 for pubic access"

11Sports report: "Bismarck scored three unanswered girls in the third period"

12In child's version of Snow White: "Snow White was the fartiest of them all"

13In book: "I bet this building goes from the twelfth to the fourteen floor."

14McDonald's sign: "Try the new anus pounder"

15In Chemistry Textbook: "To form a polyphenyl molecule, the monomer must count the penile functional group"

16U.S. Version of Total Drama Island: "How does it feel to so much?"

17On website: "Good wuck!"

18Seen on a message: "you are fartastic"

19Necklace charm: "whit love"

20At awards show: "And the award for best album goes to Kayne West!"


22How to fix a c(l)ock

23On a text message, someone couldn't type milk correctly, so they typed "Cow juice."

24News Report: "Large Hardon Collider Breaks Energy Record"

25Tweet: "I love the smell of incest"

26Medallion seen on Consumer Reports: "I love you today, tomorow, and forever."