Top 10 Dumbest Survivor Moves

1Erik gives up Immunity - Survivor Micronesia

2Woo chooses to take Tony to the end instead of Kass - Survivor Cagayan

3James gets voted out with 2 idols - Survivor China

4J.T. writes a letter to Russell and gives him his Immunity Idol - Survivor Heroes vs Villains

5Tyson switches his vote and accidentally votes himself out - Survivor Heroes vs Villains

6Colby takes Tina to the end instead of Keith - Survivor Australian Outback

7Jason thinks a stick with a face is an idol - Survivor Micronesia

8Ian jumps off the pole and gives Tom a million dollars - Survivor: Palau

9Garrett has an open forum to decide who to vote out - Survivor Cagayan

10Brandon gives up Immunity - Survivor South Pacific

11Varner "outs" Zeke as trans - Survivor Game Changers

12Lex saves Amber for Rob in exchange for protection, gets voted out - Survivor All Stars

13Manono Tribe gives up immunity - Survivor One World

14Taylor steals food, blames Adam, gets voted off - Millennials vs. Gen X

15Drew throws a challenge and gets himself voted out - Survivor San Juan del Sur

16Sean's Alphabet Strategy - Survivor Borneo

17Chris goes home with idol in pocket. - Survivor Ghost Island

18NaOnka and Kelly quit - Survivor Nicaragua

19Zapatera throws a challenge to vote Russell off - Redemption Island

20David Day 1 picks Garrett as the weakest person on the tribe - Survivor Cagayan

21Cochran flips on Savaii - Survivor: South Pacific

22Production casts Sierra Dawn Thomas on over Natalie Anderson - Survivor Game Changers

23Ken votes off David - Survivor Millennials vs. Gen X

24Laura B. tells Vytas that he is going to be voted out and gets voted out instead - Survivor Blood vs Water

25Lex saves Amber and votes off Jerri - Survivor All Stars

26Dreamz breaks his deal with Yau Man - Survivor Fiji

27Malcolm fails to find an idol and gets voted off - Caramoan

28Kass flips on her alliance - Survivor Cagayan

29Hannah Shapiro keeps Dave instead of Bret in final five. - Millennial vs. Gen x

30Lisa and Skupin vote out Abi instead of Denise - Survivor Philippines

31Matt aligns with Rob after the merge - Survivor Redemption Island

32Sundra and Becky can't make fire - Cook Islands

33Mike hands back his letter at survivor auction - Survivor Worlds Apart

34Parvati allows Russell to take Sandra to the Final Tribal Council - Survivor Heroes vs Villains

35Ciera flips - Blood vs. Water