Top 10 Dumbest Big Brother Canada Moves

1Sindy nominates Neda

2Peter doesn't use the Power of Veto on Topaz

3Maddy backdoors Loveita during the fake double eviction

4Sabrina, Rachelle and Allison vote out Arlie

5Jordan Parhar volunteers to go on the block

6Raul helps Jared win the Power of Veto

7Alec quits during the Power of Veto

8Emmett votes out Talla over Gary

9Nick and Phil try to nominate themselves

10The house evicts Jackie over Ika

11Emmett nominates Talla during the double eviction

12Raul nominates Mitch

13Topaz messes up her vote on the finale night

14Adel nominates the Gremlins

15Paul accuses Andrew of being racist and sexist

16Godfrey evicts Ashleigh in the final 3

17Nick and Phil nominate Nikki instead of Cassandra

18Danielle volunteers to go up as a pawn

19Arlie switches sides

20Neda waits too long to cut loose Jon

21Topaz lets Jillian win HOH

22Sarah saves Pilar over Willow

23Zach doesn't use the veto on Jordan

24The House votes for Kelsey to return over Loveita

25Anthony evicts Mark instead of Dane

26The Sheyld evicts AJ instead of Andrew

27Tim throws final HoH

28Kevin uses the veto on Ika

29Kevin and Bruno throw HOH in week 6

30Will throws the Final 5 POV

31Alec targets Suzette

32A.J. volunteers too many times to be a pawn

33Ika shreds everyone's letters

34Heather and Neda evict Adel

35The House evicts Maddy instead of Tim