Top 10 Best Yo Mama So Ugly Jokes

1Yo mama so ugly she gave Freddy Krueger nightmares.

2Yo mama so ugly, Hello Kitty said goodbye to her.

3Yo mama so ugly her birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.

4Yo mama so ugly she made One Direction go another direction.

5Yo mama so ugly I put her face on a carton of milk and it spoiled.

6Yo mama so ugly Satan died of fright.

7Yo mama so ugly she made a Happy Meal cry.

8Yo mama so ugly when she was born, her mom said, "What a treasure," and her dad said, "Yes, let's go bury it."

9Yo mama so ugly she went into a haunted house and came out with a paycheck.

10Yo mama so ugly when she went trick-or-treating, the kids said she had a really ugly costume.

11Yo mama so ugly, her reflection said "I quit."

12Yo mama so ugly she made an onion cry.

13Yo mama so ugly when she went to the bathroom, she scared the crap out of the toilet.

14Yo mama so ugly when she walks into a bank, they turn off the security cameras.

15Yo mama so ugly she turned Medusa to stone.

16Yo mama so ugly she jumpscared Freddy Fazbear.

17Yo mama so ugly they changed Halloween to YoMamaween.

18Yo mama so ugly when she entered an ugly contest, they said sorry we don't allow professionals.

19Yo mama so ugly she makes blind children cry.

20Yo mama so ugly her parents wanted a refund from the hospital.

21Yo mama so ugly when she wanted to be a monster for Halloween, her parents said you don't need a costume for that.

22Yo mama so ugly when the sun came up, the moon went in front of it.

23Yo mama so ugly, the last time I saw something like her face, I pinned a tail on it.

24Yo mama so ugly she got arrested for mooning when she took that paper bag off her head.

25Yo mama so ugly, she was born with an apology letter from God.

26Yo mama so ugly when she tried to become a model, they said, "The hospital is that way."

27Yo mama so ugly, she wasn't hit by the ugly stick, she was hit by the whole tree.

28Yo mama so ugly that not even the plastic surgeons who worked on Michael Jackson could fix her up.

29Yo mama so ugly, I tried to prank her with the scary maze game, but she scared the scary face.

30Yo mama so ugly she put on ten pounds of makeup and still made me throw up.

31Yo mama is so ugly her patronus is a cake

32Yo mama so ugly when she joined MySpace, everyone switched to Facebook

33Yo mama is so ugly, Dante mistook her as a demon

34Yo mama so ugly, when she looks into a mirror it says "viewer discretion advised"

35Yo mama so ugly, she's just ugly.