Stupidest Criticisms of Star Wars: The Last Jedi

1"Disney ruined Star Wars."

2"Critics are being paid to give it good reviews."

3"It wasn't anything like Star Wars."

4"It's SJW trash"

5Too many female and minority characters

6"It was boring."

7"It had bad acting."

8"Luke is a grumpy old hermit."

9"They introduced new Force Powers."

10"The editing was bad."

11"Rey is a Mary Sue."

12"There are no fun Lightsaber fights."


14"Rey is a Skywalker"

15"Rey is the strongest Jedi"

16"More of Star Trek than Star Wars".

17"It's another Star Wars sequel".

18"Even Star Wars fans hate it".

19"It's a cash cow"

20"It got good reviews because it was Carrie Fisher's last movie."

21"The trailer was a trick".

22"Not everyone dies"

23"It isn't the last Star Wars movie".

24"Kylo Ren is a villain's sidekick again"

25"Luke Skywalker is a cringeworthy protagonist"